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Store Manager:  The Nature Store is very important, both for the money it brings in, and for the service it offers our visitors. It’s a big job, but the manager doesn’t need to do it all alone, just oversee everything. Some of the assisting jobs are listed below. The treasurer and store manager work together to keep everything organized and running smoothly. Some of the work can be done from your home. We are using the Square POS system, and it's working well. 

Inventory Assistant: Help the manager with preparing purchase orders, ordering, logging in merchandise, pricing, etc. A great deal of this is computerized, so you do need to be comfortable with the technology. Some of the work can be done from home.

Scheduling Assistant: Help recruit and schedule volunteer cashiers to work in the store. We would love to have the store open all the times the refuge visitor center is open, but that is dependent on having volunteers. Scheduling should be coordinated with the refuge Visitor Services Manager, so the ability to use and share through Google Calendar, or an online signup, would be ideal, but it isn’t crucial.


Cashiers: The normal store hours are currently 10:00 – 4:00 Wednesday - Saturday and 11:00 - 4:00 on Sunday; this will change as we move into the busy season for visitors at the Refuge when the Visitor Center is open every day (mid- October to mid-April). Your main job is to help visitors, either with merchandise, or by answering questions. During the off season, one person can actually do both jobs.


To help with any of the above, or for more information, please contact  



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